Top Five Free Hot Springs in NZ

Top Five Free Hot Springs in NZ

Cooling weather is no excuse to retreat indoors. As it starts to get chilly simply head somewhere warm! We are blessed with a plethora of natural hot springs in New Zealand, these are our top 5 free access hot spots.  

  1. Kerosene Creek - Rotorua 

A bit of a freebie classic, nestled in the bush about 30 minutes out of Rotorua. There’s a cute waterfall and a variety of swimming holes to choose from. 

Kerosene Creek NZ

  1. Hot n Cold - Rotorua

Just off the side of the highway, Hot n Cold, also known as Wai-o-Tapu or The Bridge is a sweet spot where a hot river meets a cold one, so you can tailor your temperature depending on where you sit.  

Hot n Cold NZ

  1. Mangatutu - Hawkes Bay

Tucked away in the thick bush of the Kawekas, the bathing is manmade, but the springs are all natural. Make a weekend of it with the nearby campgrounds. 

Mangatutu Hot Springs NZ

  1. Hot Water Beach - Coromandel 

A bit of a tourist trap these days, but it’s still fun if you’ve never been. At low tide dig into the sand and hope you’ve hit a hot bit! You can hire a spade, BYO, or take over a pre-dug hold once the previous occupants vacate. 

Hot Water Beach NZ

  1. Welcome Flat Hot Springs - West Coast 

A real treat following the 7-hour hike it will take you to get there. It’s an absolute blinder of a beauty, and one of the few free hot springs in the south. 

Welcome Flat NZ Free hot springs

We encourage you to wear your hat while you swim as putting your head underwater is NOT recommended (no one wants Amoebic Meningitis), so keeping a hat on is a great reminder to keep safe as you’re exploring this winter.  

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